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Writer's pictureThomas M Perrotti

128 Convention and Second Annual K0C SES

The New Jersey State Knights of Columbus 128th Convention was a success. Please welcome our re-elected officers to their positions:

Raymond Sand--State Deputy;;

James Sweeney--State Secretary;

Russell Petrocelli--State Treasurer;

Scott Williams--State Advocate;

Edward Michalak--State Warden.

We are at the forefront of history for the New Jersey Knights of Columbus. Only 176 new members are needed to qualify for the Pinnacle Award, the highest honor of our Order. New Jersey has never before achieved this status, and we need your help in doing so.

Our Worthy State Warden, Ray Sands, has been a supporter of our program since its inception. He convinced the State Council to donate funds to our club. He thanks me every time he see me, for starting the program from just a thought. He supports us. We must support him, by recruiting members. Ask the guy next to you in church. Ask the guy walking in, or walking out of church. Use your speaking skills to convince him to join the Knights of Columbus.

There are many methods, from having him watch a 27 minute video, to attending a Charity, Unity and Fraternity (CUF) Degree. Membership is free for the first year. The good things that we do as Knights will, hopefully, convince them to belong to our Order. Take them to a social meeting to meet your Grand Knight and your council officers. Please support our Worthy State Deputy.

As the convention closes, so did our Second Annual K0C Special Event Station. Under the watchful eye of Art, N2AJO, we made 1,435 contacts. Wow!

For the first time, we had CW, data and remote contacts, along with our SSB contacts. We added nine countries to our list of 67 from last year. We have almost 3,500 contacts between the two years. The results are amazing, considering we had, out of the 30 total days of operation over the past two years, 15 days of adverse solar activity. Last year we had 13 operators, and this year we had seven active operators. We went from approximately 161 contacts per person last year to 205 contacts per person this year..

A HUGE thank you to everyone, and I do mean everyone. From Art spearheading this year's SES and setting up SignUpGenius; Joe, Fritz and Bob working on the website and Facebook page; Art, Fritz, Jim, John, Dom and Joe for making making all of their contacts; Joe, Art and John for operating at the Convention in rainy, chilly weather..

I told Art that he and Joe were dressed like they were getting ready to invade Norway, with their black watch caps pulled low over their heads. I don't know--it was comfortable in the Convention Center. I do have a premonition that a portable heater will be in order for next year, however.

So, thank you everyone, for making this year a success. I had the opportunity to speak with a representative from Supreme, and I will be contacting him regarding the Emergency Management/Disaster Relief aspect of Amateur Radio. Who knows what the future will bring?

Our upcoming Special Events include the Eucharistic Procession in the Trenton Diocese at the end of this month, and the 50th Anniversary of Discovery House in July, in the Camden Diocese. I hope to see you at either or both of the events.

I also learned from our Second New Jersey District Master, John Brandon, that the 125th Anniversary of the Patriotic Degree of the Knights of Columbus will be celebrated at Saint Patrick's Cathedral in New York City in January, 2025, and there may be a spot for us there.

Thank you all, for all that you do for our Order.

Vivat Jesus and 73,



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