With an antenna (actually just a wire) up that is resonant on 40m, I can finally hear--and be heard--on our Monday evening net.
We welcomed our club members tonight, such as, W2RN, N2AJO, W2UM and W2CET, but we also welcomed K4IIY and KE8APO, regular visitors to our net. We were also pleased to welcome KC3SNR from Delaware this evening. We hope you will join us again.
NJ9L was absent, because today was his first wedding anniversary. Here's hoping the newlyweds had a great evening without us!
As an aside, I had the opportunity to activate Park US-0027 for POTA this past Saturday. The Gettysburg National Military Park provided me with 54 contacts, using my Kenwood 570 and a Hustler 20m whip on a magmount.
Until next time, Vivat Jesus and 73!